The Love for Park Hill

The Love for Park Hill

The thing that comes to mind is what makes Park Hill special.



Well, what makes Park Hill special is how diverse it is and how their lots of love

For the community. 


Back then before Park Hill was a neighborhood it was a small community back in

1884 but then was discovered in 1887 by Baron Aollis Gulliuame Eugene A. Von wicker.

Wicker had purchased 32 acres of the land but sadly died in 1898. More info about Wicker

and the origins of Park Hill.


At the time Park Hill was mostly predominately white and African American in the North 

and South But now in days, it is diverse with lots of races.


In Park Hill, there are recreation centers, libraries, and parks that bring the community 

together because it shows their strong bond with the residents.


The neighborhood is so important for the youth because it gives them a chance to stop being on the streets and granted them after-school programs to focus on school and out of trouble. “I ask some of the program’s kids and they said I love going to the after-school programs cause they get to hang out with friends from school or around the neighborhood and theirs always free snacks”. 


Park Hill is also known for its football team the Park Hill Pirates.


With this, the Pirates are neighborhood kids that love playing football

and are given something to do outside of school which many have hopes 

to make it in the NFL one day.


Park hill is also known for giving support to our small businesses around the 

neighborhoods like Hollys food market, The Blazing Chicken Shack, and 

many more.



 I went around the neighborhood and ask people

what they love about Park Hill. Some responses were

“Park Hill is about the love for the people and a great

place to hang out”. 


Another group said “there are local events to give back to the community and keeping

peace around the neighborhood.

I even ask some Kids and they reply “There are the recreation centers and libraries I can go to after school and have some fun but have real fun on the weekends by playing in the Gym or field and playing on the computers at the library”. 

I believe Park Hill is special because I grew up in the neighborhood my entire life and met many

Great people and have seen many great changes to the neighborhood. I learned there is a lot of love for the community.

