Humans of Montview: Clara Medrano


Clara Medrano is a very hardworking student that always does her best to do her best. A word that Clara would describe herself would be confident. High school for her was a high school experience that had many ups and downs though it was eventful every year with new people and she enjoyed every minute of it. Clara enjoyed meeting new people and getting to know them. Clara loves being social and open to people. Clara did not expect high school to be that way that it was for her. She expected high school to be easier than it was. High school didn’t really meet Clara’s expectation but that didn’t stop her from doing her best. Although it wasn’t like a high school musical it was challenging and she loved that challenge. It was a challenge that she wasn’t sure she would be ready for but she pushed through all four high school years. Throughout high school Clara would get AP classes and by the end, reaching her senior year she found it very challenging to keep up with them. Clara had so much going on in her life that she was a part of two clubs, the ADL and the LSA though there was more action in ADL. She made many events possible like cultural night and many fundraisers throughout the years at the school. She helped get the school money for exciting activities and events. Something that Clara would take with her from high school would be advice that teachers would give her all throughout high school. Teachers that wanted her to improve and be the best that she could and she took them to heart and will take that with her on her way to college. The most important thing that Clara was looking forward to was graduating high school. She was excited to graduate and she had finally been about to achieve that this year. Clara is so proud that she was able to graduate and be on her way to college. Some advice that Clara would love to give to incoming seniors would be to build habits early in the senior year. This will help keep up with the year and the year will get harder as it goes on so it’s best to have good habits that can help you even if you find it hard. Something that Clara loves about her culture would be the food and style that her culture has to offer. She holds her culture very dear to her heart and is proud to make that be a part of her. She is confident in showing off her culture and expressing her love for it. Since Clara just graduated and is heading on her way to college she is most excited to move away and be on her own. She wants to be her own person and have her own schedule for school. Clara wants to be able to do things her own way and explore the world at her own pace and at her own time. She is very ready to be an independent person ready to enter this new world that she knows she will love once she gets the hang of it.